Fig Tree BodyTalk
BODYTALK is WHOLEHealthcare - It's about understanding the psychology of the body and the influence it has on your health!
BodyTalk is WholeHealthcare™
The BodyTalk System seeks to address the "whole person". This means that no aspect of the human psyche can be overlooked, be it emotional, physical or environmental. In BodyTalk, we have developed a whole-healthcare system that supports and promotes the wellbeing of any person, animal, or plant.
As WholeHealthcare™, BodyTalk understands the profound influence the psychology of the body has on our health. Instead of focusing on the symptom, BodyTalk finds the underlying causes of illness by addressing the whole-person and their whole-story.
The BodyTalk techniques provide insights to the areas of your body that need attention. What might seem like an obvious problem to you is not necessarily the one your body wants to address first.
This is the beauty of BodyTalk. It respects the body's own needs and determines your body's priorities for healing. Then with the use of a variety of non-invasive techniques, BodyTalkers refocus your body's natural healing response to establish better communication within the body.
BodyTalk looks at the big picture
Health challenges arise for a variety of reasons. When a practitioner is trained to look at the whole-person, emotional, physical and environmental influences - the true underlying causes of dis-ease can be revealed.
Every choice, and every experience in your life, has contributed to your current state of health. Each scar, laugh line and injury has a unique story and a history. BodyTalk takes into consideration your whole-story. Your life-style, genetics and history are all drawn upon to establish a personalized approach to Healthcare that brings about lasting changes.
BodyTalk recognises that each system of healthcare and each practitioner have a unique knowledge and skill set. BodyTalk is designed to integrate all fields of healthcare to create a complete approach to health and wellbeing. This includes referring a client onto another Healthcare practitioner or field of healthcare when necessary.
I Am Your Body
The body can be addressed in many different ways. One effective approach taken in The BodyTalk System is to understand the functions of the body according to the discoveries of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bioenergetic Psychology. These systems developed an understanding of the relationships of physical wellbeing and psychological wellbeing.
Considering the whole-story of the body is extremely important to the healing process. By doing this, The BodyTalk System is providing a truly whole-istic approach to the treatment of dis-ease. This understanding, along with the effective BodyTalk techniques is why The BodyTalk System is such an effective Healthcare system.
The study of all this is fascinating. If you truly understand the energic psychological makeup of the body, you then start to appreciate how dis-ease develops and why it is maintained.
Ultimately, the bodymind knows best how to heal itself in a holistic way. Any interference by way of treating symptoms is only a compromise, for the real power of healing lies innately within the BodyTalk system.
BodyTalk Principles
Innate Wisdom of the Body
BodyTalk is based on the principle that the body is capable of healing itself at all levels - as evidenced by the healing process that is automatically initiated when a person cuts a finger or twists an ankle. This automatic, self-guided healing process is part of the body's inborn intelligence, or the "innate wisdom" of the body, as we call it in BodyTalk. The innate wisdom guides the overall functioning of the bodymind complex, synchronizes all the activities as well as maintains balance, or homeostasis, within the bodymind complex.
Stress Affects our Health
Stress has a profound effect on the body and its ability to heal and function at an optimal level. When an individual experiences ongoing stress, it can overload the energetic circuits of the body, causing them to fail or be severely compromised. This is just like plugging too many appliances into an outlet and tripping a circuit breaker in your home. You have blown a fuse and must go reset it. Often times the body cannot reset these blown circuits on its own, so the body then must continue to function in a less than ideal state. This ultimately leads to degeneration, illness and pain in the body, a sign that it is simply falling behind in the healing process. Stress-related illnesses include, but are not limited to: high blood pressure and heart rate, digestive disorders, hormone and endocrine imbalances, fatigue, infertility issues and all manner of immune system disorders.
Energetic Circuits and Communication
Every single cell, atom, and system is in constant communication with every other cell, atom and system within the bodymind complex at all times. This includes communication through the nervous system, as well as the other subtle energy circuits of the body - such as the meridians and the electromagnetic frequencies that are produced by the body through its functioning. Stress we experience in our daily life can cause these circuits to become compromised, weakening or disrupting the communication between the cells and systems.
BodyTalk helps to re-establish these energetic circuits and efficient communication in a quick and effective way, which then allows the body to very quickly recover and catch up in the healing process. This is witnessed in how quickly symptoms disappear and function returns, often within just one or two BodyTalk sessions.
Trusting the Body's Wisdom
Just as the body heals a wound with a particular sequence of bio-chemical, physical and energetic responses, the body addresses all healing in a certain order. This concept is vital in the BodyTalk balancing process to encourage the body's ability to heal itself by the fastest means possible.
The BodyTalk Practitioner relies on the guidance of the body's natural wisdom to not only locate the weakened or broken lines of communication and establish how to re-connect them, but also to find the proper order in which they are to be restored. This is accomplished through a form of neuromuscular biofeedback, by which the practitioner is able to ask the body yes-or-no questions and receive answers directly from the body about the sequence for re-establishing these lines of communication.
BodyTalk Knowledge Base
BodyTalk is a state-of-the-art approach to integrative mind/body medicine by combining Western medicine's scientifically supported research in fields such as neuroscience, epigenetics, and psychoneuroimmunology along with a large number of highly recognized ancient and modern healing methods and principles of knowledge, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, yoga and meditation philosophies, Chiropractic, consciousness studies and Energy Psychology.
Managing Information
The BodyTalk System also uses concepts from the fields of Information Science and Information Management, Dynamic Systems Theory and advanced process control and optimization principles found in the engineering fields, as well as advanced topics in mathematics and quantum physics.
Even though these fields may not seem to have an obvious connection to the healing processes of the bodymind, they are an integral part of how the BodyTalk Practitioner is able to quickly and easily gather relevant information from their client's body.
Continued Development
Through the advanced BodyTalk courses, adjunct courses, life sciences and PaRama BodyTalk, the BodyTalk System is experiencing continued development and refinement of the overall system. Input from Instructors, Practitioners and students have provided valuable insight, learning and strengthening of all of the BodyTalk techniques, including development of new techniques as well as a deeper understanding of the BodyTalk System as a whole.
Left Brain/Right Brain Thinking
The BodyTalk Practitioner uses a combination of left-brain, linear logical thinking and memory, infused by right-brain, intuitive lateral thinking to establish the communication links needed. The BodyTalk System protocol chart is a flowchart that represents a map of the bodymind complex. Each section of the chart addresses certain aspects of the bodymind, including all physical, mental, emotional and energetic frequencies found in the body. This chart and the procedures to utilize it represent the left-brain side of the BodyTalk process. The experienced Practitioner then uses their right-brain intuitive process to complete the communication formulas which the bodymind complex then transforms into healing stimuli.
A BodyTalk Session
Tailored Just For You
BodyTalk sessions are easy, safe and comfortable; they are done with the client fully clothed; there is no need for disrobing. A BodyTalk session usually lasts between 15 and 45 minutes. The length of a session is not indicative of the quality of the session or the results that occur; as even the simplest sessions can be quite profound. The bodymind knows just how many changes and corrections it is ready to initiate in any given session, and will therefore indicate when the session is complete and may even establish a time when you may need to return for a follow-up session.
Background and Communication
You and your BodyTalk Practitioner often begin your session by discussing your health status and whatever other personal issues you may wish to address. Then, you will either relax in a chair or on a treatment table while the practitioner, positioned at your side, will gently use your arm in such a manner to establish Yes/No communication. This Yes/No communication is also called neuromuscular biofeedback, which is similar to applied kinesiology. By understanding that your body has an inherent knowledge of itself, the BodyTalk Practitioner is able to quickly and easily ask your body what communication circuits have become compromised and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established for the fastest possible healing process to occur.
Building Links or Formulas
Your practitioner uses the BodyTalk Protocol Chart to determine the weakened or broken energy circuits in your bodymind complex that are being highlighted by your innate healing wisdom. Once an energy circuit is identified, any additional details that are relevant are determined. Your BodyTalk Practitioner will link these destination points in the sequence indicated, thereby constructing a "formula" that describes the energetic circuit that will be re-established.
Tap to Synchronize and Balance
Tapping on the body to get it to focus on healing has been used by some indigenous holistic systems, such as yoga, for centuries. For BodyTalk specifically, tapping on the head tells the brain to "fix" the faulty communication circuit and the heart to "store" the fix. This activates the brain and helps to facilitate the body's own ability to restore and maintain its optimum health.
For every malfunctioning energy circuit or formula found, you or your practitioner may hold the corresponding "points" with your hands, in order to help provide focus. You may also breathe deeply, as this helps your brain scan the body to locate the imbalances. The practitioner then lightly taps you on the top of the head, which stimulates your brain and causes it to initiate corrections to the broken circuits. This is similar to how the CPU of a computer runs the programs and makes all the calculations.
Your practitioner then taps you on the sternum to "save" the corrected energy circuit in the heart center and to share this information with every single cell in the body. The heart is responsible for communicating the state of the body's health to the rest of the body through the heart beat. This means that your body will remember these changes after the session, just like hitting the save button on a document will save changes to the computer hard drive so you can access them again later.
BodyTalk is Cumulative
Because your body stores the changes made by the brain during the tapping process, this means that every formula or circuit that is corrected builds on the one before. Your body actually remembers the BodyTalk sessions it receives and your healing process will continue with each additional session you have.
What Does BodyTalk Address?
To Each a Unique, Dynamic Balance
In the BodyTalk System, we tend not to talk about addressing specific diseases. Instead, the BodyTalk philosophy is that every person has a unique balance that should be addressed. Once balanced, the client's own innate healing wisdom will successfully address specific symptoms and establish lasting patterns of good health. The ideal goal is to find the best, most dynamic point of balance within our bodymind complex, such that we are easily able to respond to the issues life throws at us with ease and grace.
Your Body's Own Healing Process
Naturally, most clients arrive for a session with a health concern, and this problem is addressed. However, the BodyTalk Practitioner does not make a diagnosis for the purpose of establishing a specific session protocol. BodyTalk recognizes that although two people may appear to show the exact same symptoms, the communication links needed to balance their conditions may be entirely different. No two sessions are ever alike!
Balancing the Brain
One of the core philosophies of the BodyTalk System is that all disease found in the body is reflected in the brain at some level. As an example, if there is a neurological connection in the brain that is mis-wired or disconnected, then there will be a corresponding reflection in the bodymind complex in the form of a physical, mental, bio-chemical or other malfunction. One of the main goals of BodyTalk is to balance communication between the two halves of the brain, as well as within all levels of brain function. Improving this communication can quickly and easily address many common issues, as well as improve brain function and memory overall. The BodyTalk Cortices Technique is one of the most powerful techniques within the system, and has been made available to the general public so that you can start feeling better and more balanced TODAY.
A New Perspective
One of the major areas addressed by The BodyTalk System is the realm of personal and spiritual growth. Balancing the body biochemically, physiologically, and emotionally, while addressing specific beliefs and attitudes, the BodyTalk System is a very powerful tool in the field of personal development.
Practitioners and clients alike can experience changes in the way they relate to others, as well as the relationships they have with friends and family. Many individuals find new jobs or improvements within the work they are currently doing and also find an increase in the overall wellness and real happiness they experience on a daily basis. The personal development experienced through BodyTalk can affect an individual on all levels, in all ways.
I have trained extensively in Germany and Australia within the BodyTalk System (117 seminars):BodyTalk: Access, Fundamentals, Principles of Consciousness, Bio–Dynamics, Lymphatic Drainage and Applied A&P, Macrocosmic BodyMind, BodyEcology for BodyTalkers, Matrix Dynamics, BodyTalk Interactive, Treatment Intensive, Finding Health 1: Mapping the Healing Process, Finding Health 2: Applied Consciousness, Fascial Balancing for BodyTalkers, Orthopedic Evaluation, Structural Integration, BreakThrough, FreeFall, Mindscape, Parama College Unit 1 and 2, Chinese Medicine for BodyTalkers, Eastern Medicine for BodyTalkers, The Metaphysics of Treating, The Soul's Journey and the 3 Brains, Physical Energetics, The Biophysical Mind, Epigenetics, BodyTalk for Animals and various short courses.
BodyTalk includes the LifeSciences, like BreakThrough, Mindscape and Freefall, in which I have been trained and am deeply living and breathing them.
About The BreakThrough System
Fueling all conflicts is the unconscious imperative towards self-healing. This means that, at the heart of something we spend our entire lives trying to avoid, there lies the very thing we need to experience. BreakThrough is a gentle and insightful process that puts you in touch with the healing nature of conflict. This is very different to conflict resolution. Instead, you will journey way below the surface of individual conflicts to a place where deep healing can begin. Self-forgiveness is key and all the BreakThrough techniques are strongly oriented around this principle.
The premise of BreakThrough is that our birthright is to live authentically and naturally. But deep-seated, unconscious convictions about who we are distort our experience of life. These disruptive beliefs do not need to be eradicated because they have no truth to them. They simply need to have light shed on them so that they lose their power over us. The BreakThrough techniques are specifically designed to catalyze and facilitate this process.
All that is required is a quantum shift in perspective
BreakThrough 1 is a gentle, practical process that puts you in touch with the unconscious convictions that dictate your life. This interactive class provides you with principles to use in everyday, challenging situations. Your perspective on conflict will be transformed as you discover its healing nature and purpose.
BreakThrough 2 explores how the inner masculine and feminine archetypes play out in our lives. The process of deep self-enquiry is catalyzed and facilitated.
BreakThrough Practical hones your ability to lead someone through the 7 Steps process of BreakThrough 1.
BreakThrough Steps Intensive is an immersion in the principles underpinning the 7 Steps. You are also taught refinements in the art of questioning and deductive reasoning.
FreeFall I
The focus of FreeFall 1 is "body image", that is, learning to understand the masking nature of the self image and the restrictions it has over us.
FreeFall 1 explores self image by stripping off this mask of coping. The "Coping Mask" is a matrix of fears, judgments, beliefs and behaviors that restrict an individual from embracing and loving life.
FreeFall participants will be individually assessed and facilitated through a series of exercises to move beyond these restrictions. The resulting opening of the heart and trust in ones own essence supports therapeutic integration and personal evolution.
FreeFall is explored in a safe, confidential environment-providing participants a solid foundation to express vulnerably, their attitude around self acceptance and become, "Naked Beneath our Clothes".
About MindScape
MindScape is a method that teaches the participant to tap into faculties of the creative and intuitive mind not normally so accessible to our everyday life state of mind. In practical terms, this means that the student learns ways of engaging intuition at will and enhancing creative and intuitive abilities. This offers great benefits and opens vast possibilities for every aspect of life or work. Moreover, the techniques are also powerful tools for personal development, and open interesting possibilities for BodyTalkers and other practitioners, such as distant sessions. MindScape is taught in two full days by Certified MindScape Instructors, and includes a detailed manual.
MindScape makes for a fascinating weekend workshop, and many participants attest to it as being one of the most interesting courses they have attended. It can be learned by anyone, with no experience necessary for attending the course. The course is both instructional and experiential, with the Instructor teaching the techniques and then leading the students through hands-on practice. There are no pre-requisites for taking a MindScape class.
Enhancing Intuition
MindScape compliments BodyTalk as it expands powerful possibilities for practitioners, even with other systems and courses. By enhancing the practitioner's intuition, sense of mental focus and intent, and opening more 'right brain thinking', it paves the way for more powerful links and sessions. Furthermore, by dovetailing the skills learned in the MindScape course, the practitioner can effectively carry out distance sessions. It also becomes easier to address a specific age of the client, dimension of activity or a component such as organ or body part right down to cellular levels or less tangible systems such as aspects and concepts.
The techniques of MindScape also facilitate interaction with animals, plants and other life forms, and are hence ideal for students of Animal Talk, PlantTalk and EarthTalk or anyone working in related fields.
The Mind's Workshop
The method employed in MindScape draws on the fact that it is possible to tap into the powerful creative and intuitive faculties of the mind by accessing a mental state based in alpha brainwave activity. The participant is led to create a mental framework called the Workshop, which effectively serves as an interface for engaging the different intuitive faculties, just as the icons on a computer screen enable the user to engage or switch on different programs. This offers great benefits and open vast possibilities for every aspect of life or work, and is also a powerful tool for personal development.
Practice produces relaxing states and stimulates a process of de-stressing of body and mind. The techniques also allow insight into one's individual process, the workings of the subconscious, conditioning and paradigm limitations and the true nature of what we are capable of achieving. Most importantly, MindScape provides the practical tools for tapping into this potential.
BodyTalk is WholeHealthcare™
The BodyTalk System seeks to address the "whole person". This means that no aspect of the human psyche can be overlooked, be it emotional, physical or environmental. In BodyTalk, we have developed a whole-healthcare system that supports and promotes the wellbeing of any person, animal, or plant.
As WholeHealthcare™, BodyTalk understands the profound influence the psychology of the body has on our health. Instead of focusing on the symptom, BodyTalk finds the underlying causes of illness by addressing the whole-person and their whole-story.
The BodyTalk techniques provide insights to the areas of your body that need attention. What might seem like an obvious problem to you is not necessarily the one your body wants to address first.
This is the beauty of BodyTalk. It respects the body's own needs and determines your body's priorities for healing. Then with the use of a variety of non-invasive techniques, BodyTalkers refocus your body's natural healing response to establish better communication within the body.
BodyTalk looks at the big picture
Health challenges arise for a variety of reasons. When a practitioner is trained to look at the whole-person, emotional, physical and environmental influences - the true underlying causes of dis-ease can be revealed.
Every choice, and every experience in your life, has contributed to your current state of health. Each scar, laugh line and injury has a unique story and a history. BodyTalk takes into consideration your whole-story. Your life-style, genetics and history are all drawn upon to establish a personalized approach to Healthcare that brings about lasting changes.
BodyTalk recognises that each system of healthcare and each practitioner have a unique knowledge and skill set. BodyTalk is designed to integrate all fields of healthcare to create a complete approach to health and wellbeing. This includes referring a client onto another Healthcare practitioner or field of healthcare when necessary.
I Am Your Body
The body can be addressed in many different ways. One effective approach taken in The BodyTalk System is to understand the functions of the body according to the discoveries of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Bioenergetic Psychology. These systems developed an understanding of the relationships of physical wellbeing and psychological wellbeing.
Considering the whole-story of the body is extremely important to the healing process. By doing this, The BodyTalk System is providing a truly whole-istic approach to the treatment of dis-ease. This understanding, along with the effective BodyTalk techniques is why The BodyTalk System is such an effective Healthcare system.
The study of all this is fascinating. If you truly understand the energic psychological makeup of the body, you then start to appreciate how dis-ease develops and why it is maintained.
Ultimately, the bodymind knows best how to heal itself in a holistic way. Any interference by way of treating symptoms is only a compromise, for the real power of healing lies innately within the BodyTalk system.
BodyTalk Principles
Innate Wisdom of the Body
BodyTalk is based on the principle that the body is capable of healing itself at all levels - as evidenced by the healing process that is automatically initiated when a person cuts a finger or twists an ankle. This automatic, self-guided healing process is part of the body's inborn intelligence, or the "innate wisdom" of the body, as we call it in BodyTalk. The innate wisdom guides the overall functioning of the bodymind complex, synchronizes all the activities as well as maintains balance, or homeostasis, within the bodymind complex.
Stress Affects our Health
Stress has a profound effect on the body and its ability to heal and function at an optimal level. When an individual experiences ongoing stress, it can overload the energetic circuits of the body, causing them to fail or be severely compromised. This is just like plugging too many appliances into an outlet and tripping a circuit breaker in your home. You have blown a fuse and must go reset it. Often times the body cannot reset these blown circuits on its own, so the body then must continue to function in a less than ideal state. This ultimately leads to degeneration, illness and pain in the body, a sign that it is simply falling behind in the healing process. Stress-related illnesses include, but are not limited to: high blood pressure and heart rate, digestive disorders, hormone and endocrine imbalances, fatigue, infertility issues and all manner of immune system disorders.
Energetic Circuits and Communication
Every single cell, atom, and system is in constant communication with every other cell, atom and system within the bodymind complex at all times. This includes communication through the nervous system, as well as the other subtle energy circuits of the body - such as the meridians and the electromagnetic frequencies that are produced by the body through its functioning. Stress we experience in our daily life can cause these circuits to become compromised, weakening or disrupting the communication between the cells and systems.
BodyTalk helps to re-establish these energetic circuits and efficient communication in a quick and effective way, which then allows the body to very quickly recover and catch up in the healing process. This is witnessed in how quickly symptoms disappear and function returns, often within just one or two BodyTalk sessions.
Trusting the Body's Wisdom
Just as the body heals a wound with a particular sequence of bio-chemical, physical and energetic responses, the body addresses all healing in a certain order. This concept is vital in the BodyTalk balancing process to encourage the body's ability to heal itself by the fastest means possible.
The BodyTalk Practitioner relies on the guidance of the body's natural wisdom to not only locate the weakened or broken lines of communication and establish how to re-connect them, but also to find the proper order in which they are to be restored. This is accomplished through a form of neuromuscular biofeedback, by which the practitioner is able to ask the body yes-or-no questions and receive answers directly from the body about the sequence for re-establishing these lines of communication.
BodyTalk Knowledge Base
BodyTalk is a state-of-the-art approach to integrative mind/body medicine by combining Western medicine's scientifically supported research in fields such as neuroscience, epigenetics, and psychoneuroimmunology along with a large number of highly recognized ancient and modern healing methods and principles of knowledge, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, yoga and meditation philosophies, Chiropractic, consciousness studies and Energy Psychology.
Managing Information
The BodyTalk System also uses concepts from the fields of Information Science and Information Management, Dynamic Systems Theory and advanced process control and optimization principles found in the engineering fields, as well as advanced topics in mathematics and quantum physics.
Even though these fields may not seem to have an obvious connection to the healing processes of the bodymind, they are an integral part of how the BodyTalk Practitioner is able to quickly and easily gather relevant information from their client's body.
Continued Development
Through the advanced BodyTalk courses, adjunct courses, life sciences and PaRama BodyTalk, the BodyTalk System is experiencing continued development and refinement of the overall system. Input from Instructors, Practitioners and students have provided valuable insight, learning and strengthening of all of the BodyTalk techniques, including development of new techniques as well as a deeper understanding of the BodyTalk System as a whole.
Left Brain/Right Brain Thinking
The BodyTalk Practitioner uses a combination of left-brain, linear logical thinking and memory, infused by right-brain, intuitive lateral thinking to establish the communication links needed. The BodyTalk System protocol chart is a flowchart that represents a map of the bodymind complex. Each section of the chart addresses certain aspects of the bodymind, including all physical, mental, emotional and energetic frequencies found in the body. This chart and the procedures to utilize it represent the left-brain side of the BodyTalk process. The experienced Practitioner then uses their right-brain intuitive process to complete the communication formulas which the bodymind complex then transforms into healing stimuli.
A BodyTalk Session
Tailored Just For You
BodyTalk sessions are easy, safe and comfortable; they are done with the client fully clothed; there is no need for disrobing. A BodyTalk session usually lasts between 15 and 45 minutes. The length of a session is not indicative of the quality of the session or the results that occur; as even the simplest sessions can be quite profound. The bodymind knows just how many changes and corrections it is ready to initiate in any given session, and will therefore indicate when the session is complete and may even establish a time when you may need to return for a follow-up session.
Background and Communication
You and your BodyTalk Practitioner often begin your session by discussing your health status and whatever other personal issues you may wish to address. Then, you will either relax in a chair or on a treatment table while the practitioner, positioned at your side, will gently use your arm in such a manner to establish Yes/No communication. This Yes/No communication is also called neuromuscular biofeedback, which is similar to applied kinesiology. By understanding that your body has an inherent knowledge of itself, the BodyTalk Practitioner is able to quickly and easily ask your body what communication circuits have become compromised and in which order these lines of communication need to be re-established for the fastest possible healing process to occur.
Building Links or Formulas
Your practitioner uses the BodyTalk Protocol Chart to determine the weakened or broken energy circuits in your bodymind complex that are being highlighted by your innate healing wisdom. Once an energy circuit is identified, any additional details that are relevant are determined. Your BodyTalk Practitioner will link these destination points in the sequence indicated, thereby constructing a "formula" that describes the energetic circuit that will be re-established.
Tap to Synchronize and Balance
Tapping on the body to get it to focus on healing has been used by some indigenous holistic systems, such as yoga, for centuries. For BodyTalk specifically, tapping on the head tells the brain to "fix" the faulty communication circuit and the heart to "store" the fix. This activates the brain and helps to facilitate the body's own ability to restore and maintain its optimum health.
For every malfunctioning energy circuit or formula found, you or your practitioner may hold the corresponding "points" with your hands, in order to help provide focus. You may also breathe deeply, as this helps your brain scan the body to locate the imbalances. The practitioner then lightly taps you on the top of the head, which stimulates your brain and causes it to initiate corrections to the broken circuits. This is similar to how the CPU of a computer runs the programs and makes all the calculations.
Your practitioner then taps you on the sternum to "save" the corrected energy circuit in the heart center and to share this information with every single cell in the body. The heart is responsible for communicating the state of the body's health to the rest of the body through the heart beat. This means that your body will remember these changes after the session, just like hitting the save button on a document will save changes to the computer hard drive so you can access them again later.
BodyTalk is Cumulative
Because your body stores the changes made by the brain during the tapping process, this means that every formula or circuit that is corrected builds on the one before. Your body actually remembers the BodyTalk sessions it receives and your healing process will continue with each additional session you have.
What Does BodyTalk Address?
To Each a Unique, Dynamic Balance
In the BodyTalk System, we tend not to talk about addressing specific diseases. Instead, the BodyTalk philosophy is that every person has a unique balance that should be addressed. Once balanced, the client's own innate healing wisdom will successfully address specific symptoms and establish lasting patterns of good health. The ideal goal is to find the best, most dynamic point of balance within our bodymind complex, such that we are easily able to respond to the issues life throws at us with ease and grace.
Your Body's Own Healing Process
Naturally, most clients arrive for a session with a health concern, and this problem is addressed. However, the BodyTalk Practitioner does not make a diagnosis for the purpose of establishing a specific session protocol. BodyTalk recognizes that although two people may appear to show the exact same symptoms, the communication links needed to balance their conditions may be entirely different. No two sessions are ever alike!
Balancing the Brain
One of the core philosophies of the BodyTalk System is that all disease found in the body is reflected in the brain at some level. As an example, if there is a neurological connection in the brain that is mis-wired or disconnected, then there will be a corresponding reflection in the bodymind complex in the form of a physical, mental, bio-chemical or other malfunction. One of the main goals of BodyTalk is to balance communication between the two halves of the brain, as well as within all levels of brain function. Improving this communication can quickly and easily address many common issues, as well as improve brain function and memory overall. The BodyTalk Cortices Technique is one of the most powerful techniques within the system, and has been made available to the general public so that you can start feeling better and more balanced TODAY.
A New Perspective
One of the major areas addressed by The BodyTalk System is the realm of personal and spiritual growth. Balancing the body biochemically, physiologically, and emotionally, while addressing specific beliefs and attitudes, the BodyTalk System is a very powerful tool in the field of personal development.
Practitioners and clients alike can experience changes in the way they relate to others, as well as the relationships they have with friends and family. Many individuals find new jobs or improvements within the work they are currently doing and also find an increase in the overall wellness and real happiness they experience on a daily basis. The personal development experienced through BodyTalk can affect an individual on all levels, in all ways.
I have trained extensively in Germany and Australia within the BodyTalk System (117 seminars):BodyTalk: Access, Fundamentals, Principles of Consciousness, Bio–Dynamics, Lymphatic Drainage and Applied A&P, Macrocosmic BodyMind, BodyEcology for BodyTalkers, Matrix Dynamics, BodyTalk Interactive, Treatment Intensive, Finding Health 1: Mapping the Healing Process, Finding Health 2: Applied Consciousness, Fascial Balancing for BodyTalkers, Orthopedic Evaluation, Structural Integration, BreakThrough, FreeFall, Mindscape, Parama College Unit 1 and 2, Chinese Medicine for BodyTalkers, Eastern Medicine for BodyTalkers, The Metaphysics of Treating, The Soul's Journey and the 3 Brains, Physical Energetics, The Biophysical Mind, Epigenetics, BodyTalk for Animals and various short courses.
BodyTalk includes the LifeSciences, like BreakThrough, Mindscape and Freefall, in which I have been trained and am deeply living and breathing them.
About The BreakThrough System
Fueling all conflicts is the unconscious imperative towards self-healing. This means that, at the heart of something we spend our entire lives trying to avoid, there lies the very thing we need to experience. BreakThrough is a gentle and insightful process that puts you in touch with the healing nature of conflict. This is very different to conflict resolution. Instead, you will journey way below the surface of individual conflicts to a place where deep healing can begin. Self-forgiveness is key and all the BreakThrough techniques are strongly oriented around this principle.
The premise of BreakThrough is that our birthright is to live authentically and naturally. But deep-seated, unconscious convictions about who we are distort our experience of life. These disruptive beliefs do not need to be eradicated because they have no truth to them. They simply need to have light shed on them so that they lose their power over us. The BreakThrough techniques are specifically designed to catalyze and facilitate this process.
All that is required is a quantum shift in perspective
BreakThrough 1 is a gentle, practical process that puts you in touch with the unconscious convictions that dictate your life. This interactive class provides you with principles to use in everyday, challenging situations. Your perspective on conflict will be transformed as you discover its healing nature and purpose.
BreakThrough 2 explores how the inner masculine and feminine archetypes play out in our lives. The process of deep self-enquiry is catalyzed and facilitated.
BreakThrough Practical hones your ability to lead someone through the 7 Steps process of BreakThrough 1.
BreakThrough Steps Intensive is an immersion in the principles underpinning the 7 Steps. You are also taught refinements in the art of questioning and deductive reasoning.
FreeFall I
The focus of FreeFall 1 is "body image", that is, learning to understand the masking nature of the self image and the restrictions it has over us.
FreeFall 1 explores self image by stripping off this mask of coping. The "Coping Mask" is a matrix of fears, judgments, beliefs and behaviors that restrict an individual from embracing and loving life.
FreeFall participants will be individually assessed and facilitated through a series of exercises to move beyond these restrictions. The resulting opening of the heart and trust in ones own essence supports therapeutic integration and personal evolution.
FreeFall is explored in a safe, confidential environment-providing participants a solid foundation to express vulnerably, their attitude around self acceptance and become, "Naked Beneath our Clothes".
About MindScape
MindScape is a method that teaches the participant to tap into faculties of the creative and intuitive mind not normally so accessible to our everyday life state of mind. In practical terms, this means that the student learns ways of engaging intuition at will and enhancing creative and intuitive abilities. This offers great benefits and opens vast possibilities for every aspect of life or work. Moreover, the techniques are also powerful tools for personal development, and open interesting possibilities for BodyTalkers and other practitioners, such as distant sessions. MindScape is taught in two full days by Certified MindScape Instructors, and includes a detailed manual.
MindScape makes for a fascinating weekend workshop, and many participants attest to it as being one of the most interesting courses they have attended. It can be learned by anyone, with no experience necessary for attending the course. The course is both instructional and experiential, with the Instructor teaching the techniques and then leading the students through hands-on practice. There are no pre-requisites for taking a MindScape class.
Enhancing Intuition
MindScape compliments BodyTalk as it expands powerful possibilities for practitioners, even with other systems and courses. By enhancing the practitioner's intuition, sense of mental focus and intent, and opening more 'right brain thinking', it paves the way for more powerful links and sessions. Furthermore, by dovetailing the skills learned in the MindScape course, the practitioner can effectively carry out distance sessions. It also becomes easier to address a specific age of the client, dimension of activity or a component such as organ or body part right down to cellular levels or less tangible systems such as aspects and concepts.
The techniques of MindScape also facilitate interaction with animals, plants and other life forms, and are hence ideal for students of Animal Talk, PlantTalk and EarthTalk or anyone working in related fields.
The Mind's Workshop
The method employed in MindScape draws on the fact that it is possible to tap into the powerful creative and intuitive faculties of the mind by accessing a mental state based in alpha brainwave activity. The participant is led to create a mental framework called the Workshop, which effectively serves as an interface for engaging the different intuitive faculties, just as the icons on a computer screen enable the user to engage or switch on different programs. This offers great benefits and open vast possibilities for every aspect of life or work, and is also a powerful tool for personal development.
Practice produces relaxing states and stimulates a process of de-stressing of body and mind. The techniques also allow insight into one's individual process, the workings of the subconscious, conditioning and paradigm limitations and the true nature of what we are capable of achieving. Most importantly, MindScape provides the practical tools for tapping into this potential.