About my offerings:
Sessions are referred to as Revirginations, as they assist you to a gradual return to your true nature and your original innocence.
Revirgination is Self-remembrance. Remembering more and more of your inner nature, you become centred, you in yourself, returning to wholeness.
Revirgination is Tantra. Tantra's vision is full acceptance, coming out of an over-fulfilment.
Your whole being becoming a deep contentment.
Tantra trusts in your body.Tantra trusts in your senses.Tantra trusts in your energy.Tantra trusts in you.Tantra does not deny anything but transforms everything.
Let yourself be turned on, turned in and turned beyond!
The first thing is the body. The body is your base, it is your ground, it is where you are grounded. You are the body, and your body is YOUR temple. Tantra teaches reverence for the body, loved, respect for the body, gratitude for the body. The body is marvellous, it is the greatest of mysteries.
Sessions are referred to as Revirginations, as they assist you to a gradual return to your true nature and your original innocence.
Revirgination is Self-remembrance. Remembering more and more of your inner nature, you become centred, you in yourself, returning to wholeness.
Revirgination is Tantra. Tantra's vision is full acceptance, coming out of an over-fulfilment.
Your whole being becoming a deep contentment.
Tantra trusts in your body.Tantra trusts in your senses.Tantra trusts in your energy.Tantra trusts in you.Tantra does not deny anything but transforms everything.
Let yourself be turned on, turned in and turned beyond!
The first thing is the body. The body is your base, it is your ground, it is where you are grounded. You are the body, and your body is YOUR temple. Tantra teaches reverence for the body, loved, respect for the body, gratitude for the body. The body is marvellous, it is the greatest of mysteries.
Tantra teaches you to reclaim respect for the body, love for the body. Tantra is the religion of your body, it is grounded in the body. Tantra is really juicy and very alive. So are my sessions, referred to as Revirginations, and we start from the beginning, YOUR body. Supporting you in getting out of your mental prison so that you can connect with the wisdom of your body, belly, soul and heart. Revirginations move you to your core and bring you back home to a deeper sense of self, clarity and ease.
Revirginations are held in ritual space, personal, trans personal, inside or outside in nature. I practice from an ecovillage and nature sanctuary.
I hold a safe and natural space for you, which allows you to experience deepest relaxation.
Experience a melting of long held tension and the resulting reorganization and rewilding of your system, creating lasting change.
Revirginations are uniquely tailored to what serves you best and may include the following:
- BodyTalk
- Sensual Meditation
- Emotional Release
- Special Breathing Techniques
- Somatic Movement Therapy
- Pelvic Heart Integration
- Touch
- Holding
- Body Work and manual release of holdings in the physical body
(Psoas release, Lymphatic Drainage, Facial Balancing, Structural Integration)
- Wheel of Consent
- Womb Awareness, Journeys and Activation
- Voice activation
- Support with Kundalini rising
- Coaching
My work is based on training in several systems, the main one being the BodyTalk System (www.bodytalksystem.com), Nia (Blue Belt and 5 Stages Instructor, Integral Yoga Teaching, Pelvic Heart Integration, Body Electrics, Mindscape, FreeFall, BreakThrough, Shamanic Womb Journey, Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Training Immersions and Initiations, Strategic Intervention Coaching, Relationship Coaching.
I draw from my own experiences and embodiment, living and imbibing the tantric path. I have journeyed through much trauma, death of my brother when he was only 8 and I was 11, separation of my parents, religious control and shaming, emotional abuse, self harm over more than 20 years...my life had been filled with seeking and searching, longing to live and love fully and to get out of a very suppressed existence. I found healing and a deep resting of my quest, being taken over by the calling to share with others, the healing I have been experiencing in my own being and life.
Liberation is the main intention I bring to sessions, liberation of masks and tension, illusions and distortions. Liberation is you being perfectly natural, just being yourself. To be able to practice being more and more at ease, more and more here and now, more and more in action and less and less in activity. To be more hollow, empty, passive, to be more the watcher, indifferent, not expecting anything. To accept yourself fully as you are. Communicating your sacred heart through your voice, living from your soul and spirit, deeply connected through your emotions, your whole being in alignment.
I feel passionate about Sacred Union, within as without. As you come into total union within, so will you with all of life.
Work with me if you want to:
- expand on all levels
- have support integrating psychedelic journeys
- Improve your intimate relationships, starting with the one you have with yourself
- awaken emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically and sexually
- Experience personal empowerment and freedom
- Relearn the art of loving
- Find clarity on issues that prevent you from connecting deeply
- Integrate and heal your nervous system and emotional body
- Explore and heal deep seated shame and guilt
- Heal through movement and awareness
- Upgrade your communication ability
- Live from your Spirit and Soul
- Integrate totally
Some areas I have specialized in to assist your whole wellbeing and health:
- BodyEcology: Addressing and optimizing the Microbiomes and the Immune System with the BodyTalk System
- Working with Kundalini Symptoms
- Integration of psychedelic journeys and experiences
- Non manipulative Muscular Skeletal alignments
- Eastern Medicine
- Epigenetics
- Womb Journeys and Activations, for individuals and couples
- Harmonizing the Masculine and Feminine Energies, Sacred Union
- Assisting the integration processes of deep transformational shifts in consciousness
- Tantra – a way of living
Working with me you are likely to experience:
- raising consciousness and shifts in perception, higher ability to surf and navigate consciousness
- deepening body awareness
- deepening of your relationships
- experience higher intimacy and pleasure capacity
- grief of all that you have been through and all that you have let go of
- a deep transfiguration process and real change
- access to your deepest most painful wounds and healing of them
- find your clarity, voice and power
- raise your emotional and heart intelligence
- move into a deeper, more connected and vibrantly alive way of being, relating, living and loving
- explore the wisdom of your bodymind
- learn to deeply relax and undulate and in general feeling more at ease Being YOU
- explore your erotic and love potential and the intrinsic connection between your spirituality and sexuality.
- take a quantum leap in health and wellbeing
- deepen your ability to communicate, verbally and non verbally
- feel a deeply peaceful bliss to be alive in your body and on this planet
- a new deep joy of being YOU
- a never experienced inner wholeness and unification
- feel your soul and spirit guiding your personality
- deep gratitude and love
I compassionately hold space for you and guide you through any resistance that might show up. I will support and inspire you to unconditional love and full acceptance of yourself. Together we will work on developing your capacity for pleasure, joy and to love and be loved.
Fig Tree Healing, a Wild Love Portal, a mystery school, a temple of love and awakening, home of the Red Electric Serpent, empowers and inspires individuals, couples and groups in:
sessions and ceremonies
Speaking engagements
Experiential programs, retreats, couples workshops
A range of educational sessions and seminars, live and online
Wholistic Healing Modalities and Coaching to assist you in reclaiming your true nature, heal trauma, and connect deeply your body, soul and spirit,to become integrated and embodied, whole Hueman Beings.
I am a certified Parama BodyTalk Practitioner, Nia Blue Belt, Nia 5 Stages, Nia 52 moves, Integral Yoga Instructor and Strategic Intervention Coach (Tony Robbins and Madanes Institute), besides having trained extensively in the Sacred Sexual Shamanic Healing Arts.