20 years ago, 1997, just before I came to Australia, I journeyed the 'Inside Passage' - a coastal route for oceangoing vessels along a network of passages which weave through the islands on the Pacific coast of North America.
I was working in the travel industry at that time, and this journey, not just because of its profound name, but because of it's immense beauty and presence, has left a very big imprint on my soul. I feel this experience with me all the time. I loved being so immersed in nature, below- the ocean, above - the sky, around - the vast pristine landscape of forests, mountains, little towns, isolated houses, the wildlife.... It was not just an inside passage through the islands and along the coast, but through being so immersed in the wild elements, also the beginning of a deepening inside passage into myself. The first day the clouds were dense, and nothing was visible, except the hand in front of my eyes...as the ship was gliding deeper inside...the sky opened up...sunrays poked gently through the thick layers of clouds, rainbows, fog, it was mystical, it was ecstatic....the breaking open of the clouds made it even more incredible, the contrast much more fascinating than a purely blue sky would have been. I wouldn't have known then, that one day I would facilitate 'Inside Passages', which help others to deeply rewilden to their true nature. That I would have the honour to be with them, as their sky opens up and their inner landscape is beginning to be flooded by more and more light, as did my own. I love observing and embracing the light and the dark light. The play of all elements, of all emotions, the play of energy, the feeling and reconnecting with our own deep rhythm. The most fascinating Inside Passage is the one we can do into our own inner landscapes. Feeling the sky opening and the clouds parting to let more light in...observing rigid structures, pain, did-eases, trauma, stories, ancestral memories etc. leave the body finally and opening up space...so much space that can be filled with love and joy... space that actually is love and joy already. Nature is calling us, waiting in anticipation for us to return to our wild innocent self. Nothing is more delightful then when we are truly ourselves, dancing to our own song, creating and serving from that place. I leave you with this image of watching the ripples....Bon Voyage, into all that you are!
Revirgination is a concept dear and clear to my heart, so much so that I call my sessions Revirginations, as each one brings you gradually to a deeper sense of your true inner nature, your original innocence. Each session creates an opening and a remembrance to who you really are – a divine interconnected Soul in a human body, having a human experience here on our divine Mother, whose glorious embodiment is this Earth. Do you remember how you felt as a baby? Let me take you on a little journey: Breathe deeply for a few minutes and visualise you are back in your baby body and baby (no)mind. You are looking around and seeing everything as if it were for the very first time. In complete presence and awe, you are fully in your body and in oneness with your surroundings. Look at the sky and let your whole being open to it. Look, Feel and allow your body to move how it wants to, or be completely still. You are in ecstatic bliss, watching what goes on, watching intensely every minute thing, no mind, just complete surrender to the miracle of life. There is no separation between you and what is around you, you are IT. Close your eyes, and come back to your body now. Open them again, so you can read on and feel your mind and conditioning resurfacing, and observe what happens in your body! This is a little taste of what Revirgination is about, and there are many stages to it, it actually never ends, as there is always more and infinite opening possible. Revirgination is a life long journey. The secret is to forget everything and remember everything at the same time. Enjoying again the blissful innocence of the baby stage, quiet and calm, being full of life like the merging place of sand and sea, body and mind. The adventure of baby’s mind in your adult body is Revirgination. It is even more ecstatic to return to this innocence than when you were a baby, as you are able to deeply appreciate it now. Revirgination is an awakening to life and love, so pure and innocent, you feel reborn. Revirgination is about Sacred Union, within you and with all that is, blissful with wise innocence. Deep inside you are already free, you are already unblocked, you are already radiant, you are the beginning and the ending, you are the source, you are the earth, you are the sky, you are the universe. Revirgination is about love and deep relaxation into your Beingness. Revirgination is just another word for Tantra, and it is not laden with any concepts, it is a new word, for a whole new way of being. Revirgination is about you, the real you, the you that you already are, that nothing can be added to or diminished, changed, or improved. It is about your true shining authentic self. Revirgination is so much more and it is nothing. It is pure simplicity answering your deepest yearning to remember who you are! “Sex is the vital pulse of ‘ life’s longing for itself’” - Khalil GibranSexual Energy is not a special or unique energy in fact sexual energy is THE energy of life expressing itself in sex. Sexual Energy is the most powerful healing force there is, it makes life, it made you, the one and only complex entity you are. Sexual Energy is the vital life force, the energy that infuses all living creatures. It connects all life, including you. Sexual Energy is the pervasive power of creation, the force that fuels sexual reproduction. It drives evolution’s mix of competition and cooperation. It permeates everything! Sexual Energy is highly creative. Sexual energy is our quintessential spiritual essence, our fuel, for uniting body, mind, soul, emotions, and spirit in powerful ways. It is deeply sacred and it is the key to our vitality. ![]() Utilizing sexual energy as a means to expand consciousness and using various sacred healing arts to connect deeply with our sexual, spiritual and emotional nature is a fast route to raising the amount of pleasure we are able to experience in our bodies and our lives. I love assisting bodies to awaken, to open, to relax, so that the sexual energy has a clear channel to run, new connections can be felt in your body, a revitalizing is possible. Visualize a dam opening and running over fields that haven’t had any water ever or for a long long time. All comes to live! Freeing up sexual energy and allowing it to run through the body results in feeling fully alive and activated. You will begin to function as the whole powerful divinely conscious sexually alive being you are at your core. The Art of Healing thus has to include and consciously, directly work with sexual energy. Bringing the masculine and feminine energies and forces in us into union is an alchemical process that spurs enlightenment. The different modalities just turn into Sacred Sexual Healing Arts, inspiring you to tap into the Art of Tantric Living (= The Art of Loving, The Art of a meditative, celebrative Life, The Art of accepting and allowing all). I hold space for that, from my own experience. You can read this and feel the transmission of it and experiencing it will give you a deep understanding that the mind alone can’t fathom. Sacred Sexual Healing is working with the Sexual Energy Sacred Sexual Healing is about staying connected to source and surrendering to the divine force within. It is a deep journey within, and guides you toward your full expression. I invite you to get to know your sexual energy intimately, you will truly feel its powerful essence, and you will meet and learn to embrace shame and guilt, so it can make space for more ecstasy. You learn to consciously move more energy through your body, releasing blockages and inspiring instantaneous healing, optimal wellbeing and rising to your full potential. Sexual Wholeness requires a tremendous amount of personal power, devotion, commitment and consistency in practice. The rewards are beyond imagination and once the opening to your sacred sexual Wholeness has begun, it is a homecoming, a return to source and the beginning of a full blossoming. Through the healing and awakening of your sexual energy, you are likely to find yourself in a divine state of grace. Being in love with yourself and opening up to unconditional love is highly liberating. Your awareness expands with every breath you take as you fully apprehend Sexual Energy/Kundalini as your essential life force. I invite you to surrender your healing quest to your Sacred Sexual Energy! |
April 2017
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